Attainment: The 12 Elements of Elite Performance,by Troy Bassham



ATTAINMENT  by Troy Bassham As the son of Olympic Champion, Lanny Bassham, Troy has been surrounded by elite performers his entire life. For the past 15 years he has been teaching Mental Management and knows what it takes to reach the top! His 12 National titles prove that he has been a part of the elite in his sport. His students success time after time proves that he is able to train others to reach elite levels as well. Attainment includes 12 Elements of the elite performer. It is broken into 5 main Chapters: Passion Opportunity Training with Purpose Become Mentally Strong Self-Image of a Winner Learn about participation levels; turning obstacles into opportunities; 3 training areas; 3 step training rule; focus; effort; Self-Image and much, much more. Available in Soft Cover Book or Audio CD Set.

Troy Bassham, Attainment: The 12 Elements of Elite Performance

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